Switch (Black Ties Book 2) Page 15
I’m Queen tonight, so he must have me by his side.
It’s just part of the scene.
I slipped my arm in his before he could take the power away from me.
“Get your fingers away from your snatch and follow behind us, Blue,” I commanded Desi.
She fell in line at our backs and Law led us through the Members Only entrance and down the stairwell to the Party Room. I halted on the landing, unexpectedly reminded of the night I nearly died here.
I truly could have died in that room at the end of the hall.
Law tapped my elbow that was threaded through his arm, “You okay?”
I whipped my head to the side to look at him, “I’m…yes, I’m fine. I’m okay. Just a bad memory.”
I was well aware that I was in full view of the party from where I’d halted our walk in the entryway. I plastered a smile to my face, putting on a brave show as I stepped forward again, though I could feel Law’s concern burning a hole through me. I was determined to ignore my trauma and avoid dealing with it as long as I could.
A small voice addressed me, peeking through the entryway as we moved again toward the threshold into the Party Room. I turned away from Law, toward the voice, and found myself face-to-face with someone I hadn’t seen since that very night I’d been attacked here.
It was the young submissive boy I had taken to play with me that night. The one I had gagged and hogtied so effectively that he’d been powerless to help me when Asher came into the room, wrapped a rope around my neck three times, and attempted to strangle me to death.
I shivered.
Sebastian smiled, “I’m so happy to see you. And that you’re okay.”
I glanced at Law and he nodded at me, so I stepped away from him to pull Sebastian in for a hug.
“How are you?” I asked.
“I’m fine. I’m just really glad to see you.”
“I’m so sorry about that night, Sebastian.”
“Please don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Are you here with someone?”
“Yes, I belong to Mistress Jade now.”
“Wow,” my eyebrows rose, “Is your ass totally black and blue then? Let me see,” I joked with a smile, bending around his side as if to look.
Law snatched my arm, grabbing me rather aggressively and yanking me back against him, pushing his hips into my butt as his arms came around my body possessively.
Oh, yes, I like that.
Own me rough, Law.
Make me forget everything bad that’s ever happened here.
“Glad to see you’re well, Sebastian,” Law nearly growled with forced pleasantry, “I’m sure your Mistress will be wondering why you’re here talking to Angel when you should be serving her needs. Run along.”
Sebastian’s eyes went wide, “Oh. Yes, you’re right. Thank you.”
I smiled a goodbye to him as he ran off like a good little slave.
Law pulled my hair back over my shoulder, “I want you to explain to me why I suddenly feel the need to claim you, Angel.”
“Because I’m yours, Sir.”
The thought alone calmed me but saying it out loud and knowing it was true, truer than I wanted to admit, had my core clenching in need.
“Come on,” he said, tugging gently on my elbow and moving us deeper into the Party Room.
We were greeted by enthusiastic guests who were beyond ready for their entertainment. Desi was to be the starring act and I was so excited for her, I could flip.
Everyone at Black Ties that night was in the Party Room, gathered around a large, ridiculously ornate wooden throne. It was stained nearly black and upholstered with plush, purple cushions on the back rest and seat that were outlined with gold decorative tacking. It blended like perfection with the décor of Black Ties, industrial yet contemporary, and it almost seemed a waste that Law only pulled it out on special occasions.
Law led me to my royal seat and held my hand delicately as I lowered into the chair. I nearly needed to pinch myself to know this was happening, to know that Law was conceding his ultimate power role as the King of his own establishment to give me the privilege of being the Queen.
His Queen.
But it’s only for the scene.
I was eager to get out of my own head. My confusion over Law’s demeanor, my anxiety over my first near-death experience in one of the rooms down the hall, it was all just too much for me to handle. I didn’t waste any time getting into the night’s festivities.
“Bring on the entertainment,” I announced.
I looked over at Law and he snapped his fingers at Desi. She crossed the open space toward us and stopped on a dime when he held up a hand to halt her. He stopped her directly in line with me, just steps in front of the throne. There was a wide circle around her formed by the guests, a space left open for us to shame, torture, humiliate, and ultimately please our entertainer.
Law left my side and walked toward Desi with careful strides, his dress shoes clicking across the dance floor that had now become the area of her oncoming defilement.
He stopped in front of her, “Let’s show our members what you’re hiding beneath that dress.”
He reached out and grabbed the thin straps of Desi’s little black dress and slipped them down her shoulders. She looked straight ahead, focusing on a spot on the wall behind me, taking deep breaths, in and out.
I wanted to take credit and say we had trained her well for this, but really it was just Desi. It was within her to play this role, to live this lifestyle. She was a submissive through and through and I was so glad she’d found us. She was finding her strength in this.
Law pulled at the stretchy fabric of her barely-there dress, down and down until he exposed her bare breasts beneath it. He stopped there and spun Desi around to face the other direction. He turned her outward to face the beautiful people in their formal attire gathered all around her, watching her, waiting to see her undone.
The hitch in her breath told me it excited her.
I knew the feeling. I had once been the entertainment at the King’s party. Watching Desi gave me a small sense of nostalgia for the feeling of being lost in subspace while others got off on watching me come at Law’s command.
Law pressed up close against her back and reached around her. Though they faced away from me, I could tell he was grabbing her breasts in both hands.
Desi gasped and jolted at the moment of his touch. I watched carefully as his right hand pulled away from her body, followed swiftly by the obvious thwack of skin against skin. It was unmistakable that he’d just slapped her tit.
And the crowd loved it.
“Take off the dress, Blue,” he ordered her.
“Yes, Sir,” she said quietly as she peeled the skin tight fabric down over her hips.
The dress dropped to the floor revealing what I had ordered her to wear beneath it. She had on a garter belt that cinched around her waist, holding up black, sheer thigh high stockings. No panties.
“Blue, do you consent to entertain us tonight?” Law asked.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Do you consent to entertain by means of torture, humiliation, and forced pleasure?”
Damn. It’s like he’s putting me into subspace by proxy.
“Yes, Sir,” she replied.
“Yes, Sir!”
“Good girl. Then get on your knees and crawl to your Queen.”
Desi fell to her knees, got onto all fours, and crawled to me. I was perched regally on the throne, sitting tall and proud on the edge of my seat, arms laid on the arm rests. As Desi approached, I lifted the long chiffon fabric of my skirt and tossed it aside where it split the seam up the top of my thigh. Crossing my exposed leg over the other, I held out my foot, toe pointed outward toward her.
“Kiss my feet and ask if you may please me with your entertainment tonight, sweet girl.”r />
Desi bent her head, pressing her lips to the tops of my toes, “May I please you tonight with entertainment, my Queen?”
Desi sat back on her heels, lowering her head with respect. She gave her words the inflection necessary to show me that she meant them, that she meant what she was begging for. She was committed.
“Please, my Queen. Let me be your slave girl tonight. Use my body for your will. Give me pain, give me shame, give me whatever your heart desires. Please, Angel. Use me for your pleasure. My body belongs to you tonight if you’ll have it, my Queen.”
My subjects were pleased with this.
The power she was giving me made my heart do a little pitter-patter. I’d been denying myself of my dominant needs for too long. Hearing Desi begging me for control over her set a fire inside me that couldn’t be put out, a burning need that could only be extinguished by taking ownership of her. But I would have to do it with Law as my surrogate since I wasn’t healed enough to take control in the way I would have under normal circumstances.
Rather than addressing Desi, I addressed my royal subjects, “My subjects, has she earned her pleasure yet or should she be given pain?”
A resounding agreement.
My heart raced.
And I could see Desi’s did, too.
Pain gave her pleasure.
It took her to that space between reality and unreality where nothing existed but sensation. It took her to that place where emotion and inhibition broke free from her soul and hovered out of reach, making her a slave to her physical senses.
I didn’t take pleasure in pain the way Desi did, but I certainly knew the release that came from relinquishing control. I got that from submission alone.
I stood carefully and circled Desi like a hawk, stopping close behind her.
“Put your hands on the seat of the throne, Blue, and don’t move.”
Law handed me a flogger as she reached forward to grip the edge of the seat. Though it wasn’t my weapon of choice, it was fine for the moment. As soon as Desi settled her weight, I struck her across her upper back. The leather strips licked across her olive skin with a rather magical sound on contact.
“Thank you, Angel,” she said as her back arched.
I whipped across her shoulder blades, thwack after thwack in rapid succession, warming her skin to the sensation.
Law crouched down to his haunches at her side, pulling her hair over her shoulder. He started to braid it, pulling it into a long plait and tying it off at the end.
“How do you feel, Blue?” he asked.
“Like a good girl, Sir.”
He grinned at her, “Yes, you are. Ass up, Blue.”
Desi pushed through her hands, sliding her knees backward and flattening her back so she was perpendicular to the floor, her ass forming a right angle and showing proudly toward me and the people behind us. Law leaned across her back, grabbing a fistful of cheek in his grip. He squeezed it, then released, and slapped her hard. He smacked her one, two, three more times.
“Make this skin good and pink, Angel,” Law ordered me, “Take control of this slut until she’s earned her pleasure.”
Oh, my word.
The power Law is giving me here is inspired.
My dirty little switch heart was thrilled to please Sir by giving orders to another.
I hit her ass with the flogger until her skin morphed from a smooth, olive tone into an irritated shade of deep pink. Her head dropped between her arms and she was moaning, swaying. I didn’t tell her she could do that, so I dropped the flogger and came up beside her. I used my hand then to swat both cheeks, shouting at her to lift her head and hold her position.
“Yes, Angel, I’m sorry, Angel,” she told me straightening herself back out.
I stepped over her legs as I moved behind her and bent forward, grabbing her ass with both of my hands, squeezing hard, digging my nails into flesh. She was trying to press her thighs together, which I took to mean she wanted more, so I dragged my fingernails sharply across the red splotches forming on her skin, scratching over freshly wounded, sensitive flesh.
She groaned, wiggling against me and pressing her ass backward, deeper into my grip. She was completely immersed in the experience.
I smiled, “I’d like to use the paddle on her, Sir.”
“I don’t know,” Law folded his arms across his chest, coming to stand beside me, “Do you think she’s earned it yet?”
The crowd acquiesced their agreement.
Everyone wanted it.
I tilted my head at him, waiting for his response.
“Blue,” he said, “Have you earned the paddle?”
Her arms trembled ever so slightly in the way they held her up against the throne, “Yes, Sir. I’ve taken my flogging and would very much like the paddle if it pleases you, Sir.”
He gave me a nod, “If it pleases you, Angel, then it pleases me.”
Holy wet panties, Batman.
A fellow member handed him a heavy wooden paddle and he took it. He held the handle in one hand while he tested the weight of the flat end on the other, giving it a toss and letting it fall down with a soft thud against his palm.
I nearly bent over for him then.
“While it would give me no greater pleasure than to watch you beat the hell out of our entertainment, my Queen, I must insist on doing this myself.”
He gave me a look to show no disrespect was intended. It was because of my injuries, I knew that, and he was a gentleman for not sharing that present physical weakness of mine with the entire room.
I stepped aside, holding my hand out as if to present Desi to him, “She is yours, Sir.”
A gift from the benevolent Queen to her King.
He shrugged his jacket off his shoulders and I moved to retrieve it as he slipped it off one arm, then the other, swapping the paddle between hands as it came off. He loosened his tie and worked to unclasp his cufflinks, pinning the paddle between his arm and torso as he did. Next, I knew he’d be rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, a sure sign he was preparing to get his hands dirty.
Please, Sir.
Thank you, Sir.
Finally, he stood beside Desi, positioning the paddle so his aim was true, taking care so that he would hit on the fleshiest part of her ass, for safety, of course. He pulled back and swung forward hitting at the exact right spot with a thud.
Desi whimpered, rocking forward on impact, “Thank you, Sir.”
“Thank your Queen,” he told her, “The paddle was her idea after all.”
He hit again.
Desi squirmed, “Thank you, my Queen.”
Law turned his head to look at me, desire darkening the shade of his eyes to a deep sapphire blue, “Sit on your throne and spread your legs, my Queen.”
Hell, yes.
I grinned, “Yes, Sir.”
Desi sat back just long enough for me to sit where her hands had rested before. She looked up at me with her lips parted, breaths shallow, eyes lost to another world entirely.
I sat back, taking my regal seat, and parted my legs, just as Sir had asked me to. I took the extra step of tossing the chiffon fabric out of the way on either side of me where it split.
Law bent over Desi, grabbing the base of her braided hair and holding her head firmly in place while he bent to whisper in her ear. I could hear him, but it was unlikely our subjects could.
“Listen carefully, Blue. If you want me to hit you with this paddle again, you will obey my instructions.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Law’s eyes locked harshly on mine as he hissed orders at Desi.
“I want you to take off my Angel’s panties and bury your face in her cunt. I want you to kiss her pussy like it’s your husband’s mouth and he’s just come home. I want you to lick and suck until she comes hard on your face. And I need you to hold your ass still while you do it, because I’m gonna hit you fucking hard if you do your job right and I’d really hate for
you to break your nose on her cunt at the force of my blow. Can you do all that, Blue?”
She nodded enthusiastically, though the movement was small with the way he held her hair, “Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl. Now do it. Ass up for me.”
I slipped my panties down over my hips but left them on my thighs so Desi could do as instructed. She looked up at me with the most genuine expression of content I had ever seen as she reached beneath the layers of chiffon to grasp my panties and drag them slowly off my legs.
I was proud of her.
She was being unashamedly herself.
She had found her kinky, fucked up little tribe of people and she was happy here.
I would eviscerate anyone who tried to take that from her.
I scooted forward on my throne and waited for her to carry out her task. I thought I would have to guide her, give her specific instructions to ease her anxiety. It wasn’t necessary. Desi found her confidence in submission.
If Sir asks, Sir receives.
Or in this case, Angel receives.
She stuck out her tongue and came after me without fear, licking sensually from my opening up toward my clit. My hips jolted and my attention was drawn immediately back to Law.
He was watching me, too.
He tapped Desi with the paddle, just lightly, just enough to be a tease. She knew he would hit her harder if she did a better job. She wanted him to hit her harder and I was the one who got rewarded with a swollen pussy full of tongue and lips and wetness.
Desi was good at it, too, eating me out as if her own pleasure depended on it. Which truthfully, it did. I let myself enjoy it but I never looked away from Law, not for a single moment while Desi licked and sucked and tasted.
She did her best to hold her position, but every time he hit her ass, it thrust her forward, pushing her face deeper into my pussy. Every time he hit her, he brought me closer to climax.
He knew it.
He controlled my pleasure this way and the joy he felt from it was written all over his beautiful fucking face. He loved control. But more than that, he sadistically craved torture. I saw it sharpen the edges of his face before he gave the command.
“Don’t come, Angel,” he said to me with a wicked twist of his lips.